
And welcome to my very first blog post! I’ve had the idea of a blog swimming in my head for some time now, but since lockdown has provided me with an excessive amount of free time I thought, why not start sharing my everyday doings and creative snippets on here, with you? And now I’m finally committing! So keep an eye out for behind the scenes of projects, sketchbook scribbles and whatever other rambles I can think of!

Since this whole pandemic situation has forced me to dribble out of university life quite pathetically, I haven’t had a chance to share my documenting process with anyone – something that was drilled into me persistently for the past four years. Instead, all I have is a jumble of sheets packed into portfolios that don’t fit anywhere in my house. Ah, the joys of being an art student. So, I thought, why not post them here? Hopefully some of you out there will find it interesting.

At the moment I’m knee deep in a children’s book project, which I aim to have completed by the autumn. So keep your eyes peeled, I promise to share some process ditties with you very soon.

In the meantime, I’ll be at my make-shift desk, listening to the rain and wondering where the heck summer went. And if there’s anything you’d like to see on here let me know, I’m open to ideas.

All the best,



Post Snail Press