NARRATIVE ILLUSTRATION | Primary School Workshop
This month I had the amazing opportunity to lead an illustration workshop for a group of year 6 pupils at a local primary school. I have to say, I’ve been dreaming up sessions like this one for a while now, so when my friend Josh asked if I’d like to come in to show the children what exactly an illustrator does, I jumped at the chance! I decided to choose two fairly simple activities for this workshop, but really emphasised imagination and inclusivity rather than their drawing ability (because anyone can be an artists, did you know that?!)
I was immediately welcomed by the children, who excitedly showed me their sketchbooks which, I’m pleased to say, were full of blossoming talent! Then, after a brief introduction to myself and the type of work I do, we got drawing! We had seven groups of ten children, each given a large sheet of paper and a section of a story that I had typed and printed before hand, based on Alice in Wonderland. However, with the purposes of encouraging the children to rely on imagination rather than what they already knew about the narrative, I exaggerated and muddled the descriptions into things like: ‘A smartly dressed rabbit, searches for his watch in a clock shop’ and ‘A grumpy queen eats too many jam tarts and starts a food fight’. This meant the children could guess what story they were illustrating as their sketches developed on the paper, which really allowed scope for their creativity and imagination to take control. There was such an amazing variety of ideas, including a cat with moons for eyes, skyscraper cakes, and even a Christmas tree!
In the second session, we turned their drawings into a continuous illustration! With their individual pages now filled with weird and wonderful drawings, we connected them together in chronological order according to the Alice in Wonderland narrative, and with pens in hands, the children were let loose wherever they wanted on the paper! I asked them to rotate several times so they could continue to add to each of the drawings, and encouraged them to be imperfect with their illustrations as they collaborated with each other. It was a fantastic afternoon and the children showed real willingness and enthusiasm to create something together. I ended the day with a brief showcase of my own picture book portfolio, and answered their questions about the illustration industry, as well as my own experiences of studying at art school.
Although this was my first school workshop, it was an absolute joy to teach, and I’m already dreaming up other workshops around narrative illustration, character design and more!
If you’re interested in workshops like this one, drop me a line at and let’s work together!
Design: Quartet Graduate Show
Whether you know me personally, or have followed me for a while, you’ll probably know that I left university during lockdown, which meant our 2020 graduate show was cancelled. I wrote a whole post on my thoughts at the time, so if you haven’t read it yet you can do here. Two years later and we finally got to exhibit as a year group at the Holden Gallery this April. It was lovely to see some familiar faces again, and finally close the door on that chapter of my life.
Friends! Petals! Sugar snap peas! It’s been a minute. How ya holding up? It seems as though spring has officially sprung here in the UK. Last week I met a friend for sushi and iced coffee and sitting in the sun with the rustle of trees, it definitely felt like the winter cobwebs were being swept away!
Whether you know me personally, or have followed me for a while, you’ll probably know that I left university during lockdown, which meant our 2020 graduate show was cancelled. I wrote a whole post on my thoughts at the time, so if you haven’t read it yet you can do here. Two years later and we finally got to exhibit as a year group at the Holden Gallery this April. It was lovely to see some familiar faces again, and finally close the door on that chapter of my life.
As we could only exhibit one piece from our portfolio, I chose my illustration of the BFG. I find as a picture book illustrator my work isn’t necessarily suited to a large gallery wall, but I was proud of that piece as it was one of the first illustrations I made independent from my degree. The illustration came together through several experiments, finger blisters, moments of enjoyment, and a whole lot of blue pastel smeared over my desk! It was also the first piece that truly felt like me. Throughout university you’re taught to switch from what’s comfortable and try new things, which is an approach that has it’s up sides, but it also perpetuated feelings of doubt, as I often felt like I couldn’t bring my own ideas to fruition completely.
As a prelude to the exhibition, I also attended a networking event hosted by the Department of Design, where I met industry professionals, including Ness from Orange Beak Studio! I really wanted to bring a strong body of work to this portfolio review, which meant I had to prioritise making work for at least six months prior to the exhibition, if I wanted to benefit from the opportunities as much as I could.
Building a portfolio is no mean feat, so if you’re just starting out try not to feel disheartened, it can take a while to have a substantial amount of creative work that feels cohesive and that you can be proud of. I’ve had many moments over the last twelve months that felt like an uphill struggle; I didn’t have to build a portfolio, but developing one that represents the direction I want to head in means that I can now benefit from the opportunities that come my way. Illustration isn’t necessarily a quick process, so with a little less pressure I think I would have enjoyed the journey a lot more. It was all worth it in the end though, and I’d say to anyone who finds themselves in a transition at the moment and can’t see any outcomes ahead, just keep going, keep making the work, keep seeking out new connections, and I promise you an opportunity will reveal itself to you in it’s own good time.
The show is on till the 8th of May if you’re round and about Manchester, it’s well worth a peep to see the amazing range of pieces from the design graduates!
*I’m currently reading The Daily Stoic every morning for a tiny piece of wisdom to start my day.
*I read this fab article for creatives looking for alternatives to Instagram - a big mood for me recently and I imagine for many others. Instagram has its pros and cons of course, but it can be draining for us creatives to feel as though we should be churning out frequent, highly polished content. I highly recommend giving the article a read!
*This year I’m growing tomatoes for my third year in a row! This time I’m holding out for a whole two bunches … let’s see if that’s at all possible!
*I’ve been shamelessly watching old episodes of Sherlock in the evenings recently, and it takes me right back to the cosy old days of 2010, when everything seemed right with the world!
So this May, I’m realising already, is another jam-packed month. I’m bloomin’ excited to be selling at Manchester Print Fair on the 14th of May - no doubt I shall be hastily packing and prepping goodies for my stall the week before. I hope to see some of you there! I also have a school workshop coming up which I’m sure will be a blast, and I’m planning on meeting with a mentor from the illustration industry, who I’m thrilled to be working with! It’s all systems go from here!
Onwards and upwards :)
Year of the Tiger
A little treasure to ring in the New Year. Last month was slow for me and kind of magic. I’ve been buried in books, closing up projects and beginning new ones. I feel inspired and rested, and I hope you do too.
I painted this fierce little thing to celebrate the Lunar New Year (which is today!), February 1st. I was born during the Year of the Tiger, so I guess this illustration holds a special significance. My birthday is also this month, so what better way to celebrate my 24th year around the sun than sharing it with you!
A little treasure to ring in the New Year. Last month was slow for me and kind of magic. I’ve been buried in books, closing up projects and beginning new ones. I feel inspired and rested, and I hope you do too.
I painted this fierce little thing to celebrate the Lunar New Year (which is today!), February 1st. I was born during the Year of the Tiger, so I guess this illustration holds a special significance. My birthday is also this month, so what better way to celebrate my 24th year around the sun than sharing it with you!
Treasures from January…
*I completed my first Yoga with Adriene’s 30 day challenge and it’s been one of the best things I’ve done in a while.
*I started reading Murakami’s 1Q84 this month. His weighty descriptions tend to pull me in because they’re so deep and descriptive. I can see why some people have issues with it, it’s a hefty read, and the plot is extremely slow. But I like his writing style, and it’s been a great to lose myself in his eerie world during these dark winter mornings.
*Two new art books for Christmas. One by Miroslav Sasek and one by Julia Sarda. Both are divine.
Happy New Year friends. Happy new beginnings. Happy everything.
& lots more to come!
The Creative Portfolio
Of course, establishing a portfolio is an ongoing process, but today I’m sharing a couple points that I feel, played a significant role in mapping out the direction of my work. Although the main goal was to create projects that represented me as an artist, I also realised over the year how much experiences and learning from other people has shaped my work, it’s all about how much we are willing to step out of our comfort zone! So grab a hot chocolate, pull on your fuzzy socks and let’s dive in!
Happy December sweet things. I hope your Advent arrived with a bang, and that the confetti of seasonal frivolity showers you all month long. I already have a batch of ginger biscuits in the oven and Micheal Buble’s seasonal standards serenading me from the other room, so I’m set.
I had hoped to come up with something a little lighter for this month’s post, but as this is the last one of the year, I can’t help but reflect on the work I’ve made over the past twelve months. My biggest goal this year was to work on personal projects, that would fit into my portfolio and guide me on my merry way over the coming years. At the end of 2020 I felt hesitant and vulnerable when I considered navigating my creative career as a fresh-faced graduate, as well feeling disconnected from my inner creative voice. I wanted to build a portfolio that laid the foundations for my practice, to take time with projects that showed who I was as an illustrator, and influenced the types of projects I take on in the future.
Of course, establishing a portfolio is an ongoing process, but today I’m sharing a couple points that I feel, played a significant role in mapping out the direction of my work. Although the main goal was to create projects that represented me as an artist, I also realised over the year how much experiences and learning from other people has shaped my work, it’s all about how much we are willing to step out of our comfort zone! So grab a hot chocolate, pull on your fuzzy socks and let’s dive in!
I was inspired by Rebecca Green’s post on navigating a creative endeavour to create this mood board to represent the direction of my portfolio. It’s vital to know your own preferences when it comes to style and themes to provide us with focus and direction, especially if you have a tendency to compare your work to other artists’. Getting clear with what you’re working towards gives you purpose and direction, and having a visual reminder is especially helpful to revert back to when you’re feeling uninspired.
I sprinkled my board with images by artists I admire and my own work. You could consider colour palettes, artists, themes, pattern and materials to fill your board. Sometimes it’s tricky to put a style into words, but seeing this collection of images, and being able to refer back to it when I’m in a creative lull has been a lifesaver. It’s like my creativity at its core; a visual representation of my illustrative style, and a reminder of what I’m journeying towards.
With this visual representation of the direction I’m headed in, I found it so much easier to let go of comparison. I know comparison comes from a feeling of inadequacy with ourselves and our practice, but by getting specific with what you’re aiming for, all the other things that used to seem important will fall away. I used to feel bad that I didn’t make digital illustrations, as it seemed like that’s what everyone else was doing. But looking at my mood board I can confidently say that I’m just not attracted to digital illustration. So why torture myself into feeling bad about not having those skills? If you’re in need of some practical steps to help shift your portfolio in a new direction, I found this podcast episode a great help in discovering my style specifics.
As with every year, I made an effort to expand my comfort zone, just enough to feel myself growing in the process (which can be terrifying believe me!) But if I want to grow my art, I have to grow myself alongside it, and I try my best not to stagnate for too long, although lockdown made that difficult for the first half of the year.
With new experiences come new connections, and new opportunities to be inspired. Last month I went to practitioner training day which was TERRIFYING, but I met other artists there; artists who brought their own perspectives to the workshop, which pushed me to look at my own practice differently. I’ve reached out to other practitioners throughout the year, went to a bound book fair, and taught my first workshops. All of which become the building blocks of my creativity and my portfolio. Jumping into new opportunities will not only enrich your work but it’ll enrich your life too. Take a class. Find an online tutorial. Join a local arts group. Learning new skills keeps our brains alert and reminds us to stay humble.
It’s scary for us illustrators to feel like novices. If we’re comfortable with a technique or material, don’t we tend to stick to it? This year I challenged myself to create projects using new materials. Nothing too drastic - I didn’t attempt to completely change my style, or use every material available. For one project I decided to work entirely on toned paper. For another I limited myself to a monochrome palette (I struggled so much with that one!) They didn’t always work, but now I can get specific on what I do and don’t like to work with. It’s a slow process, and an ongoing one, but being open to new ideas and new materials will help narrow down your practice, and you’ll become more sure of yourself as you progress.
Create a one-day project and limit yourself to two tools. This could be a colour, size, material or time frame. You only have a day to create something, so no cheating! Often boundaries can spark problem solving and help get us out of creative ruts.
Harnessing a small spark of inspiration can, if we let it, become a snowball of opportunities that have a big impact on future projects. The illustrations that fill my portfolio are an ever-expanding body of work that aligns with who I am at my core. They celebrate magic and charm, friendship and colour, and most importantly, little people with big hearts. And over time, these projects will lead to newer projects and newer opportunities that will lead me further down my creative path. As the year winds down, I’ll be working on a project that’s close to my heart. I don’t have a specific purpose for it yet, but the important thing is that it sparks joy, and to me, that’s the only sign I need to tell me I’m on the right path. After all, isn’t that what making art is all about?
Treasures from November…
*I’m reading Moominland Midwinter over Advent and I CANNOT WAIT
*I recently heard Good Days by SZA and it’s beautiful. It’s quietly nostalgic and the perfect song to welcome in the New Year.
*I’m planning on making this hearty soup in December!
*Christmas cards are available to order from my Etsy store until the end of the year! There’s also 10% off all prints so now’s the time to grab something sweet before the big day!
And that’s all for December! If this was 2041 I’d hand you a virtual egg nog and mince pie fresh from the oven, but technology has yet to catch up with my virtual Christmas dreams. I hope you have the merriest of Decembers, a month filled with quiet snow, hot drinks loaded with spice and moments sprinkled with joy.
See you on the other side.
Merry Christmas Friends.